
Steel beasts gold edition
Steel beasts gold edition

steel beasts gold edition steel beasts gold edition steel beasts gold edition steel beasts gold edition

The problem with that old piece, is that it is "semi-official" at best. Of course seeing as how it as a Chaos supplement and not just a "Dark Races", the vast majority of Chaos Dwarf lore from WFRP 1st Edition would be left to roam the Chaos Wastes for all eternity. For those wondering, this lore was meant for Dwarfs: Stone and Steel, and supposedly GW Read it and OKed it, but it got held back to help bolster the page numbers of what would have been a mostly Dark Elves supplement, well at this time GW let the company know that they could go ahead and begin work on WFRP 2ed, and so they did, the lore presented in the Chaos Dwarfs section would get repurposed, mostly, into WFRP2ed Tome of Corruption: Secrets from the Realm of Chaos. So in the unreleased WFRP 1st Edition "Dark Races" supplement featuring the Dark Elves, it was stated that Zhatan the Black is the son of Ghorth the Cruel. In case GW ever might actually re-do Chaos Dwarfs for TOW. No real problem anyway and at least now we have definitive visuals. The generic Taurus Lord with Hammer, might have worked better as Zhatan, but since the artwork on Zhatans page was for "the axe wielding hero", CA went probably with that. It was "just" a generic Hobgoblin hero, but apparently too many people took him for Gorduz and CA just went with it. Yeah, that is kinda the same situation we had/have with Gorduz. "No model was ever produced to represent Zhatan, but his armament of a warhammer and his option to ride a Great Taurus or Lammasu suggests that the Lord on Great Taurus model may have been intended to make a suitable substitute for him." The "Zhatan the Black" miniature, given context of the video, used in a certain wiki, was some kind of competition piece and may or may not have been titled "Zhatan the Black"Įvidentally the only Chorf miniature in the 5th edition with a warhammer is a Chaos Dwarf Lord on Great Taurus and "Sorcerer 1", who had a warhammer in one hand and a staff/septre in the other.Īs Chaos Dwarfs Online's page on Zhatan puts it It wasn't unheard of then that certain characters have rules but no miniatures. So, according to LoSotek's interview with a few Chaos Dwarfs Online forumites, the "Zhatan the Black" miniature we know was never sold as "Zhatan the Black", it was only ever sold as "Hero with Axe 2". Interesting that his rules mention him carrying a Warhammer, but the mini and in Warhammer 3 he carries an axe. Next week with the blog on Tuesday Newsday and the video on Wednesday, we will learn a bit more about what to expect. While Drazhoath might buff the Infernal Guard a bit more, and Astragoth could be better for K'daii/warmachines/constructs, Zhatan as one of the cruelest slavemasters probably could push the "unpaid interns" more then the other two.We will see what the narrative here will be, but since all three LLs should drill for Hashuts blood and try to gain control of the Tower of Zharr I assume either Gorth gets a bloody nose, or there is some "confederation" mechanic to gain him (maybe like the Katarina/Kostaltyn mechanic for dominance). It seems safe to assume that Zhatan might have a better diplomatic standing with him then the other two, but they could also have a falling out and it ends in bloodshed. Gorth the Cruel, Zhatans master, was already seen sitting as a fourth NPC faction in Zharr Naggrund.But since his lore mentions constant slave expeditions into the west, he could also be in the Worlds Edge mountains or beyond. I would assume he is also around the Dark Lands, so maybe in the western part to have some distance to Ukulak /Astragoth), the Black Fortress (Drazhoath) and Zharr Naggrund (Gorth the Cruel). Starting position of Zhatan is currently unknown.I would assume for diversification CA might pick rather the Lamassu, but both could be possible. Zhatan was able to take a Taurus or a Lamassu mount.But since Astragoth already demonstrated that he kicks ass in melee with his exo-suit, while Drazhoath looks like a murder machine with his Bale Taurus too, we have to wait and see how different Zhatan really will be. Since he is a melee Lord, he will play a bit different to the other two Sorcerors.But his overall design fits the artwork/generic Lord miniature of the past. So as we see, there is not that much to go with.įor TWW we already know that Zhatan will be the third LL in the DLC.Īnd we have seen that he comes a bit more colorful then expected. His rules and a bit of lore was in the 4th edition Chaos Dwarf supplement. The artwork we had on Zhatans rule page, is either him, or could be a "generic" Lord as seen here 2K A Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia.848 A Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai.

Steel beasts gold edition